Play as C4E1, aka "Chel", the Xenologist! Her goal is to study the lifeforms on the alien planet, Verdana, in very close and messy detail. Sometimes that may require fighting said lifeforms in fully-realized RPG-style combat! To that end, she can scan their weaknesses, capture them, clone them, or even copy their abilities! Learning an enemy's ability is quite easy, she can add it to her SPLICE list by just... Losing to them! Every new loss includes a new skill and loss scene, almost every one is fully written and will (hopefully) all be illustrated.

Light exploration & interactives, interspersed with turn-based combat like a JRPG and dialogue/scenes like a Visual Novel.

RPG combat fully illustrated with sprites, backgrounds, and several 'animation' sprites for each full-fledged party member
Customizable movesets for story characters! Monsters each have five powerful moves with their own AI quirks/instincts

Systems for equipment, inventory, formation, and so on!

Visual Novel-style module for dialogues and other scenes (replayable/rewindable/skippable scenes and so on)

Monster collection-cloning-modification mechanics, a bit like a *mon game
Six unique bad end scenes with pictures and thousands of words!
Quirky random events when exploring!? Do people still like those!?!?

Bad Endings
Here's what I have in-game so far: Oviposition, oral vore, cock vore, plant vore, tentacle absorption, feral merging. I have more, they just aren't fully written and implemented, so until then they're backer-exclusives.

Planned Content:
New biomes and planets... Dozens more encounters... More party members... And so on!

Support Xenospermia!

You can support this content on Subscribestar or Patreon! I need your support to get more sprites and bad-ending pics, otherwise I have to pay them out of pocket! All tiers see the updates early.

With the $3 tier:
In return, you can check out almost all the art and other assets I have for the game, neatly organized for your convenience!
I also have monthly polls and take your feedback into mind for new content and endings.
For those that prefer Patreon, the $5 tier there will get you the same perks as that Substar tier, but you also get to support my other projects! I like to write and work on Slime Dungeon stuff too... So it's like subbing to me twice!

Cover by !

Development log